۱۳۸۷ تیر ۳۰, یکشنبه

Persia: Ancient soul of Iran

این ماه مجله‌ی نشنال ژیوگرافیک مطلبِ اصلی‌ش رو به ایران و پرشیای قدیم اختصاص داده. عکس‌های نیوشا توکلیان هم مکملِ مقاله هستن. به نظر من خوبه که یه دوستای غیر ایرانی‌تون نشون بدین که کمی در مورد ایران یاد بگیرن و انقدر تحت تاثیرِ رسانه‌های یه طرفه‌ی اینحا نباشن.

۱۳۸۷ تیر ۱۵, شنبه

تحریم جدید

این ای‌میل رو امروز گرفتم که می‌گه امریکا می‌خواد یه تحریمی اعمال کنه که ایران نتونه نفت تصفیه شده رو از طریقِ تنگه‌ی هرمز بگیره. می‌گه قراره تو کنگره امضا بشه. گفته اگه ای‌میل بدیم به‌شون، می‌برن جلوی ساختمان کنگره و می‌خونن. می‌گه باید در مورد این بنویسیم که یه چنین تحریمی چه تاثیرِ بدی می‌تونه روی زندگی مردم بذاره.

Dear Friends, Salam
As you know there currently is a resolution (HR 362) in the U.S Congress implying a Naval blockage in the strait of Hormoz in order to stop all shipments of refined petroleum products from reaching Iran. If passed (and there is a big chance that it does) this resolution will not only have disastrous consequences on the Iranian economy but will also greatly increase the chances of a military confrontation between the two countries.

This resolution has caused a lot anxiety in the anti-war movement in the U.S... A few days ago, I was contacted by one of the leading peace activists in the U.S "Medea Benjamin" and we planned to go to the U.S Congress next week and try to change the mind of some of the Congresspeople who support this bill.

She has also asked me to ask Iranians to each write a personal statement about how the economic sanctions and military actions will negatively affect their lives (economically, politically, socially...etc) and what other consequences these policies will have on the Iranian society, the future of their country and their perception towards the United-States. These statements will be read in public outside of the Congress next Tuesday and Wednesday and probably be handed to the Congresspeople after the Congressional hearings on Iran.

So, I would like to ask for your assistance to spread the word and collect as many statements as possible from Iranians (especially from those who live in Iran). The length of the statements do not matter, what is important is the message that the Iranian people are sending to the American people and politicians.

If it is possible for you to provide this assistance; please Email you statements to me at (alinsr@gmail.com) before Sunday night (July 6th/08), North American E.T, as we are leaving for Washington D.C on early Monday morning

We sincerely believe that these statements WILL make a difference even if we succeed to turn just a few votes around.

Waiting to hear from you,
Warmest regards.

Ali Nasri
Roads to Peace

خبر ندارم که آیا واقعاً داره چنی اتفاقی می‌افته یا نه اما امیدوارم که اگه واقعاً چنین برنامه‌ای دارن، کنگره‌ ردش کنه!