What are you so surprised of? Are you new to knowing the Islamic Republic? That's what they have been doing since 1980. As long as the people make themselves busy with stupid things like God, Islam and other myth and stories, Islamic Repubic will reign
من می دونم چه جوری به خودشون میگن مسلمون .
پاسخحذفمتنفرم ازشون با این تفکرات پارینه سنگیشون ...
صحرای رز
زياد خودتو زحمي نكن مطمئما حقش بود به فكر خودشون باش همينو بس فقط بايد بگم جز خدا هيشكي نميتونه حق رو بپا كنه و والاترين قاضي اوست پس بيايم ما....
پاسخحذفميگذره.... حتي به زور
پاسخحذفWhat are you so surprised of? Are you new to knowing the Islamic Republic? That's what they have been doing since 1980. As long as the people make themselves busy with stupid things like God, Islam and other myth and stories, Islamic Repubic will reign
پاسخحذفبابا خودشو ناراحت نكن! اول و آخرش بايد زنده بمويم!! نه! اما قبلش هم چندين بار به فاك بريم!
واقعا خوشحالم كه يك وبلاگ پينك فلويدي پيدا كردم! موفق بالشي|!